What info does your customer need? Part Three

customer service e-commerce Feb 22, 2024

Part Three: Clear Pricing

The ChopLocal team has looked at a LOT of online farm stores over the past couple of years, and learned some important lessons from operating choplocal.com.

And one reoccurring trend we see: there's not enough information for customers to confidently make decisions.

This article is part three of a four-part blog series to help summarize what your customer needs.



Clear Pricing

Pricing can be very confusing for customers purchasing meat online.

If you are selling retail cuts by exact weight, your customer may not know the final charge when they hit that checkout button.

That's why it's VERY important that you give them an accurate estimate of the package weight and final cost.

An Alternative:

At ChopLocal, we price based on weight ranges, not exact weight.

Our inventory management system allows you to enter exactly how many packages you have in various size ranges. Then, the customer chooses a size range, and the price does not change.

We have found this to be much easier for the customer to understand (and it eliminates the extra step of adjusting the final price).

Pricing freezer meat (side of beef, half a hog) is even more confusing for your customers. Watch for another blog post soon covering this topic.

Next: Part Four - Easy Communication Options

Previous: Part Two - Shipping Information

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