How is ChopLocal different from other platforms?

about choplocal e-commerce marketing Feb 19, 2024

We get this question ALL time! There are other ecommerce options out there that enable you to sell your meat online, so why choose ChopLocal?

  1. ChopLocal is an Online Farmers Market
    Not only do we offer you a way to set up your own online store where you can send YOUR customers, but as an online farmers market, we also do marketing that can help NEW customers discover your online store! Read more about this advantage here.

  2. One-on-One Support
    When we talk to farms and butcher shops using other online platforms, one of the most common complaints is the quality of support they receive from the company. So we’ve made it our mission to right that wrong and provide top-notch, timely support. As farmers and small business owners ourselves, we understand how valuable your time is, and we do our best to help you quickly and efficiently.

  3. We know MEAT
    Rebecca Dalton, from Dalton Farms, said it best. “I recently signed up with ChopLocal and really just started getting going with it once I had some time to devote to it. And it's already helped. I've used some other platforms in the past. I've used some e-commerce ways of selling, and the big hurdle that I always ran into was that it's not farmers running those sites, and it's really hard because they don't understand what we're trying to do when we're saying we want to sell half of beef, or we're trying to sell a porterhouse steak that weighs X amount of, you know, ounces. So ChopLocal, I can tell, is already going to be a huge asset, just because everybody understands the lingo, and what I'm trying to say when I need help.”

  4. Built for SEO and Conversion Rate Optimization
    Let's face it, it doesn't matter if your online store is easy for you to use if it's not easy for customers! That's why we've focused on conversion rate optimization to help you get orders, and SEO to help more customers find you!

At the end of the day, our mission is to help YOU sell local meat. And we hope that comes through in everything that we do.

If you have more questions about ChopLocal’s ecommerce platform, click here or schedule a meeting with Katie here:

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